Wednesday, December 3, 2008

# 61: Kerli - Walking On Air

Ah yes, the Estonian who tried to crack the US earlier. Am I the only one who thinks she looks like Avril Lavigne in a few pictures?

Back when I was still with Pop Addicted!, someone from her promotion team sent me this track with a press release. I gave it a quick listen, and I was like "OK, I don't love it but it's not bad.." and I let it slide. Then my friend told me she was addicted to the song, so I listened to the parts I hadn't heard yet(which was everything from the first chorus onwards) and I absolutely adored when I was hearing.

I love the contrast between the verses and the chorus, seriously.

You've got this really, really creepy verse with all the creepy elements to match and then once the chorus kicks in, it's like they all disappear and the song turns into this sweet thing with a gorgeous melody to match. Then it goes back to creep and back to sweetness and you get the point, right? Right.

Anyway, you can see why I love the song so much, but my friend said the video is kinda creepy(as the song suggests..). It's a bit creepy, but I won't freak out or anything if I saw it.

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